Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Wurdiyless Wedenzdaiy!

Hi everywun, I iz bakk frum ma hols n will be reedin awll ma commints n yooz guyz poshties very soon! Andd owf coorse be gowin into inn-depfth deetaiyl owf ma holerdayz! Butt, furs now, a neerliy wordyless wednezdaiy:

BGT!!! YEAH! I'z votte fur Ashley n Pudseey! YEAH!

Ovirr n owtt, fur a mintiee anywayz!

Lovve pdorgle


  1. Hey Posie!
    Wow, welcome back and I can't wait to hear about your adventures.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  2. I can NOT wait to hear about everythingy!

  3. We are looking forward to hearing all about your trip, enjoy chillin' in front of the tv!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  4. Faaanks guyzz!I haz had da graytist tiyme butt i iz alsoo gladd to be homme so iz cann comme on n say herlo to everywun owf yoo agaiyn! heehee xx

  5. It's bout time you gots back, I has missed you! You missed me deadenin' a ground hog...hehehe.
    I can't wait to hears aaaaaaall bouts your trip.


    1. heehee, owwh puddles, i haz misserd yoo too! I haz been seein dat yoo deaded a growndhogger, woooah, dat is cool, kus i haz nevir seen a growndhogg! love pdorg xox

  6. Hi,

    Great site! I'm trying to find an email address to contact you on to ask if you would please consider adding a link to my website. I'd really appreciate if you could email me back.

    Thanks and have a great day!

    1. hi therr, fanks soo mutch, butt Iz cannurt get own to yooz pagey - sorrie, maybeez if yooz followerd me froo google freend connekt!? Iz dunno!

      love pdorg xox

  7. Oh and GruffHello there to Bella I see - for I have the same comment at my little blue home too! Hmmmm

    Mooosttt pleasing to see you back, I was getting withdrawal there, but I will settle for a mighty fine view of you from the rear - ha ha! x

    1. heheehe Iz gladd yoo liyke ma reer heehee, iz do nut knowz whoo bella iz, fur Iz canut get own to herz pagey?!

      niyce to see yo fo barnie, love pdorg xox


Dis iz wherez u can leeve me a warrm snuggie n I appressheeate dem all! Love hariey babery dorgi - Posie xox