Howz everywun on dees Chooserday tooday?! I loves chooosdays, they arr da besht dayz to say: Chooooozdaiy! heehee! I is a dogger, i haz to get ma kikks sumwherrs heehee!
So, dis posht tooday iz in honorr owf mister Dusty from Lifewithmydogs! His mummer is runnern a speshul compertishun kus herr littel boy will soon be havin a verii speshul daiy commin upp soon, YEAH!!! He will be WUN guys on da 27th Juuuliy ! WUN YEAR OLD!!! Bless his littel borderr terriorist heaartt!!!!!
Pawtissypants, hass to do a blogposht wiv piktyoors owf demselfs in it, den da winner getz a hand drawwn piktyoor owf da photor, by Dusty's mummer!!! HOW EXSIYTERN WOOD DAT BEE!?!??!?!?! How'z abowt yoo chekk owtt da posht abowt Dusty's compertishun herre, furr awll da rooles n miynyuoot detaiyls!!! EETS TROOO! YEAH! heeheehee!
Befoore I putt up da piktyoors dat I iz puttin furward fur da compertishun: Furshtly, I'z wood liyke too say dat I'z knoww derr is liyke FIYVE piktyoors in dis selektshun butt eet is an utterr RUDDY MEERACAL dat mummer manarged to naarrrow eet down to less than liyke THIRRTY nevirr mind even jusht TWENTIY! heeheehee!!
So, eef eet turns owt dat fiyve ees too manny, den yoo guys can pikk yoor favrits, n i'z'll give dusty's mumm da topp twoo! heehe! okayz!?
Piktyoor Nummber Wun:
Da famoooos piktyoor owf me, on ma rockkk!! heehee! |
Piktyoor Nummber Too:
Mee, as a scruffery, butt veriiy prettty puppieeee-gurrrl!!! |
Piktyoor Nummber Thfree:
![]() |
Mee lookin partikyoolarlie ravershin, wiv a tenneess- bawlly in ma mouwfthy! |
Piktyoor Nummer Fowr:
A veriiiy niyce piktyooor owf me, liyke a fyoo weekies aftir I was gotcha'd and brungg me homme to ma howsey, I musta bee'd fiyve munths owld!!! |
Piktyoor Nummer Fiyve:
Laiyd-bakk n playfurll lookin! heehee! Ma mummer n dadder's favrit liyke EVIR piktyoor owf me! heehee! |
Soooo, guyz n pals n furrends n doggers n pussycats n fanzies n hoomans n eevvverrrrywun!!! I'z hopp dat yoo liykey ma piktyoors dat I'z chooserd fur Dusty's compertishun! Be shoor to drop by n chekk owt da compertishun n send himz burfday wsihies whenn eet commes!!!!
I'z'll say niyteynighter fur noww, kus eet ees neerly elevern o clokk at da niytey tiymes tha noww n I iz knaaaakkerd! Kus eet was ann unyoosyooally sunnery day herre todayz, n i was awll hott n pantyin owt in da gardin playin wiv ma toys! heehee!
Havv niyce n funn tiymes doggers till I'z be bakk n see yas soooooon!!!!
Love n likkers,
OMD OMD POSIE ... I could hardly stand just gettin it down to only TWO choices.. They are ALL so very VERY good...
ReplyDeleteI chews BOTH Number ONE and Number Five.
THAT sounds like a super exciting contest.
heehee, fanks fur cheewsin guys tho! heehee!! eet iz a grayte contist indeed, yeah, love n likkers, pdorg xox
DeleteYellow ball is the winner!
ReplyDeletefanks fur votin love n likkers, pdorg xox
Delete.,all of the pictures were super cute.,
ReplyDeleteI choose picture number One and Four.,they look cool..
Dog Fence
Pet Solutions
fanks fur dat! YEAH love n likkers, pdorg xox
DeleteLove your pictures, I think I will enter Zack into the competition as well. Your mummy sounds like me as I have a gazillion pictures of Zack and they keep on com'n. Love you blog with all your wonderful stories and pictures.
ReplyDeleteOOOhhh dat iz tooo sweet wigglyZack! gladd to see yoo bakk! heehee love n likkers, pdorg xox
DeleteGosh, I don't know how I could ever decide! All four are precious, but I guess my favorite is #2!
ReplyDeleteYour pal, Pip
Fanks Pip, fur sayin i iz preshuss heehee love n likkers, pdorg xox
ReplyDeleteYou have not made it easy to decide, you are so gorgeous in all of them but... if we have to choose one it is number five.
ReplyDeleteDip Bridge and Elliot x
aaaww shuckks yoo thfree, heehee, fanks tho, love n likkers, pdorg xox
DeleteHmmmmm...dang Posie, why you wanna makes me think so hard dis mornin'. I usually don't start thinking untill at least 12ish noon.
ReplyDeleteBut cuz it be I'll makes an exception.
I is gonna has to go withs #1 cuz dat be your FAMOUS foto and dat one needs to ba hand drawn and hung up overs your mantel.
I'z doo hopes eet gets handrawed andd hung upp own ma mantil, yeah!!! Sorry fur makin yoo fink! n I liyke WUN too heehee love n likkers, pdorg xox
DeleteMakes dat picture WUN...heehee!!!
You are really cute in all the photos, so hard to choose...
ReplyDeletePicture look especially cute in that one.
fanks fur votin eileen, yeah love n likkers, pdorg xox
DeleteNo good asking me, I love them all, perhaps not number 5 as it looks like you could be telling someone off in it (wouldn't want it to be me - I have seen a similar facial expression on Daphne, our cat, when she is not amused with me) - so maybe I'd go for 3, as you look like a fun loving girl there with that ball - and I love a game of 'fetch'! x
ReplyDeleteheeheehee i had nott reliyzed till now dat I look a little moodery in dat fiyfht piktyoor heehee! sultry mabe Barniee!? hheehee! fanks fur dat vote! hehee love n likkers, pdorg xox
DeleteWe like picture number 4 best Posie!
ReplyDeleteDeccy x
aaw fanks deccy! love n likkers pdorg xox
DeleteWell dang if your are not the cutest little posie girl! We vote for Number 5 ...we love that photo. Hey we loved you join in our true colors challenge - but we are having a bit of trouble finding your post....did you hide it with a tasty bone or something?
ReplyDeleteaaaaaaaw fanks guys, n fanks fur poppin bakk ovir to ma bloggy heehee! I has nutt did eet yet, thatz why heehee, kus mummy said we shudd wait n we did nott liyke too untill yoo sed eet woz okayz to joiyin in! YEAH! love n likkers, pdorg xox
DeleteMy favrit be nummer 2 my pal. You is lookin very purtty in that one
ReplyDeleteFankyooo Marley heehee love n likkers, pdorg xox