How goes it awll furr yoo awll todays!?!?
Ok, so I iz gownna diskuss an isshue wivfth yoo guys - MA HARNNISS!!! Sheesh! Eets liyke kryptoniyte furr ma eyez!!!
So, I'zll lovve gowin furr wallkie, yippiesirrriee! OH YEAH! EEES TROO - deffinatlly, yup! I'z wud say dat walkkies iz wun owf ma favrit fthings in da wurrld, well ees in ma topp fiyve, alonng wifth:
- visitern relatives
- gettin nuggies
- sleepin
- eetin
YEAH, dat looks riyght, but maybe in a diffrint orderr:
- walkkies
- eetin
- sleepin
- visitin relatives
- gettin nuggies
Mmmmh, noo I really really liyke gettin nuggied n clapped n tickled, morre thann anyfink, it maykes my tail go wiggie!!! So, maybee:
- getting nuggies
- sleepin
- eetin
- visitn relativvs
- wallkies
No, thatt dusnnt worrk, kus I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVES gowin to see ma Auntiie Rowie!... I gott eet:
- visitin relertives
- gettin nuggies
- wallkies
- sleepin
- eetin
WHAT DA HECK, I cant putt eetin last??! PPPFFF!!! NO WAYS!
Thiz is reeeelly relly hard guuys, I dunno if yooz has evir triyed to do this befurr, but eet messes wifth yer hedd! Eees troo! Guys, I dontt fink I can putt ma favrits in a list, ees stressing me ouwt! heehehee!
Soo, letss jusht say, "amongzt uther thingss", I relly love gowin walkkies, OOOOOOOOOOOH YEAH! Butt, partt n parcell wifth gowin furr a wanddir is MA HARNISS!!!!! GULP! Yeah, so ma hoomans say thatt I can only go furr walkies if I iz sayfe in ma harniss!!!! Butt eet freeks da poop outta me!!! Ees troo! Wonce eets own, eets grayte I can run arownd sniffin fings n ma butt goes wiggie n ma taily flickks abowt, n I is da happeriest dogger in da landd, butt ees da gettin itt own in da furst placey!! Doez nobuddy else HATE IT!?!?!?!?
Lett me demowntrayte wifth a shorrt peece of vidyeographik footayge:
See hoow I'm liyke YEAH YEAH RUNNIN, WALKKIES WHOOOOO, n then UH-OH nutt tha harness, I boww to yoo dadder, dontt mayke me wayre eet!!!
I fink I hate ma harniss as mutch as I hatte when we runn out owf shteak and chikken, or when I has to be gowin to tha vet. Ooh hanng own a minutey...
- Whenn we runn out owf meets
- Whenn I haz to go to da vets
- Gettin ma teethies brushed.....
OH no, butt I hates gowin to da vets more than nutt having chickkern, maybe gettin teethies brushed ees wurse kus if yoo.......
Say noo to gettin yoor harniss putt on doggies! YEAH! heeheehee
Love n likkers,
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(Me, gowin backk furr a snooze - eet ees wun owf ma favritt things to doo aftir awll! heehee!) |
Pdorg xxoxxx
(PeeS ma mummer n dadder sezz dat yoosing a harniss is veryy senserble kus it's niycer own a doggies neckk, so I shtill has to yooose eet! PPPFFFFFTTT!!! WHAT DA HECKS!?)