Sunday, 24 February 2013


Herlo awll ma deer furrends,

Eet has been too long siince I has beed on heer regyoolarly to see yooos awll.  Therr has been an awfurlly lot gowin on herre's tthis yeer. 

Furstly, n' mosht impawtintly, the sad nyooze is datt ma mummer's granny passd awaiy at da very very startt owf da yeer, whitch has beed very hard fur ma mummer and dadder too, butt I has been huggling themm lots n lots n so evfurrywun is nutt qkiiyte so sadd as they werr a a fyoo weeks ago.  Butt we awll miss her terribley muches, kus she woz a very speeshul lady indeeder, ees so troo! I has nevirr spokin a trooer wurrd! Nosiree!  She gave excellernt tickkles n belly rubs, n had a funny laff n lovvd doggies n sweeties n... she was jusht grayte!!

We love yoo n fink abowt yoo efurry minute "Grunny Ferrguus"!!!!

Sekurndly, ma mummer is in da fiynal thfrows owf herr dissertayshun wriyterin at da mowment.  Nows, I dunno eksaktly whot diss meens, othir than shee hoggs da lapptop morre than I fthink she shood, ya knows?! Ees troo!  Eet is duue own da Firsht owf May, so own da Sekurrnd owff May ma mummer n mee are gownna havve da longist lie-in in bed EVIIR ALLOWED IN MAN/DOG-KIYND!! YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAH! and thenn we is gownna go furr da longist happieyst walkkie wiv dadder evir!!!! Kus me n dadder has been soo patshient wifth mummer alwaiys stresserin abowt "the bayne owf herr liyfe" and we will awll be sooo mutch happiyer whenn it's handidd in annd awaiy! YEAH!!!!

Soo, I want to tayke thiss opportunity to say sorrie fur nutt beein morre attentive to ma bloggy owf layte, therr has jusht been a lot to fthink abouwt!!  Butt, come da summer'in days I garantee yoo awll I'z'll be heer in full force, puttin piccys up n nyooosin to yoo awll n efurryfin agaiyn!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES TRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Yuppers!!!!!

Fanks to efurrywun whoo has beed sayin herlo to me, and I jusht wanna say HERLO BACK TO YOO! I is verry much still herre and hairry as evir! heehee!  I has jusht been unavoiyderbly detainned! Yeah!!  Butt heeer I is, see:

lookin pretty as evir, riyght!??!

Anyhoo, I fthot I wood tayke this chancey to remiynd yoo awll dat ma Auntie S had a poor littel guinea piggy dumpd own herr doorstepp a fyoo munths ago - I knows, despikable riyght?!?!  Well, he has growed intoo da fiynest tasty yummers healthy lookin piggy evers!! Yeah, his hair is awll thickk n shiyney n his feeties are purrfekt and his eyez are briyght, EES GRAYTE!!!

So, I thfot I wood shayre sum piccies owf Mister MATT wivth yoo awll, kus he wos gettin a bafth tooday! Heeehee, da phfrayse "Drowned Ratt" springs too miynd!  He had a bafth the othir day butt wentt n peed hisself today, so hee got his body washid but his head was okk! heehee!


Furshtly: wett da pigg

Sekurrndly: tipp him ovvir andd shapmoo hiz bellie

Thirrdly: lett himm sitt whiyle hiss condishiner duss eets fthing!
Fowrfthly: poor wattir own hiz backk!

Fifthly: rinze hiz bellie!

sixthly: stopp andd laff at him lookin liyke
afowrmenshund drownd ratt! heehee!

Severnthly: towell dry!

Eightfly: comb himm owt!

Niynfthly: fiynd da tiyniest hairrdryer!

Tenfthly: aiyr dry hiss undersiyde!
Andd thenn yoo has a totally EDIBBLE  piggy!!!! NUM BURP!!!!  See:


So, datt is ma wee cussin Matt, hee is kiynda cyoot tho eh?!

Well, guys I is gowin own a mini break to a playcey neer Dundee next week furr fiyve niyghts, n I carnnut waiyt! I hass to get ma baggie awll pacckked tomorro furr we is leevin own Munday!! Wahooo ees troo!  N yoo can be as surre as dat pig is cleen dat I'z'll comme backk wiv lots owf byooterful pictyoors owf ME!!!!! Andd I will shayre themm awll wifth yoo guys, ma furrends!

EEss good to be back, butt I has pakkin to do! So tayke cayre owf yoor anirmal selves n I'z'll see ya'w'll soon! EEES TROO!

Love n likkers owf da hiyghest degree,

Yoor furrend,

Da P-diddler-dorg



  1. So sorry to hear the news about your Granny. Our deepest sympathy.

    Now....Nice to meet you Matt. You must be so clean and smell so good. you nose dat you took a baf in front of all of us???

    You's lookin good too, Posie! Now it's time fur you baf too! :)

  2. Now that he's clean... How do we eats him?

  3. Our deepest sympathy too re Granny. So sad for you all. What a cute clean guineepiggy. Have a super Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Posie We are very much sad to hear about your Granny.

    We think you and your mum should CELEBRATE her Master's Thesis being finished... for the ENTIRE MONTH. THAT will be super.
    We Loved the g.piggy's Baff. We love ALL baffs... as long as they aren't OURS.
    WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeee Boy Howdy is it EVER good to see and hear from you. We have missed you something FIERCE. Eeeeees Troooooo. We have!!! Can't wait fur you to be here EVERY DAY!

  5. Ohhhhhh posie dorg, so sorry about your Gunny Ferrguus, hope yous guys are all right. HEY we been missing that cutie mug of yours, only one we have seen is the guy at the Westmister Dog Show (Not as cute). Barharhar, love the Matt bath day, quite the little feller. We be keeping watch for you buddy, miss you so much, Terriers Rule

    Your Good Pals
    Susie & Bites

  6. Sorry to hear about your granny and send some purrs to you. Love that cutie piggy and he seemed to enjoy that bath.. Have a good trip.. HUgs GJ xx

  7. Hey Posie!
    Wow, I'm so very glad to see you! So sorry about your Gran, but I bet you're helping your peeps feel better every day.
    OMD Matt is so very cute! I'd be tempted to bash him, but since he's so clean and cute, I guess it's okay. BOL Love those wet piggy pix! BWAR HAR HAR. Maybe he'll be more careful about his peeshooter. Take care!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  8. Harooo Posie!

    Good to see you my furiend :) Sorry to hear about your Gran. Hugs to all of you!

    Matt looks quite the character - cute lil piggy :)

    Wishin your Mom all the best on her dissertation!

    Waggin at ya,

  9. Oh Posie dowg
    It's sooooo good to see yoo again. I'm tewwibully sowwy that yoow Gwanny had to go to and yoow Mum and whole family awe vewy lucky to have had such a wondewful Gwannie. Hew love will aways stay wif you and once the sadness gets less, the bootiful memowies will stay. Good luck to yoow Mum fow hew dissewtashun. When Daddi did one of those, about a thousand yeaws ago, it just about dwove Mommi wound the bend, but it gotted done evenshully and it sounds like you have a gweat celebwashun planned aweady. I think yoow cousin Matt is kind of adowabull and vewy patient about being a "guinny pig" fow the demonstwashun(hehehehe...get it? I cwack myself up

    Anyway, I loved seeing yoo. Smoochie kisses

  10. Oh dear, so sorry about your ganny my tuff time we know.....and fanks for sharin da tale of Matty, that was furry funny indeeds

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Dis iz wherez u can leeve me a warrm snuggie n I appressheeate dem all! Love hariey babery dorgi - Posie xox